Saint Theodore of Canterbury Catholic Grammar School
Saint Theo's delivers a traditional Catholic classical liberal education,
forming creators of culture by sharing treasures of knowledge old and new.
forming creators of culture by sharing treasures of knowledge old and new.
The Peel Region, Western Australia
Saint Theo's is a Full Affiliate Member of AISWA.
We are seeking parents interested in enrolling their children in 2026
Dr Tony Buti MLA, The Minister of Education for Western Australia, granted Saint Theo's application for the Advance Determination process on 5th December 2023. Reference: 80-11084. Having been given this green light, we are currently in the process of preparing our submission for Registration to satisfy and comply with all legislated requirements.
The Vision for St Theo's
Our vision for Saint Theodore of Canterbury Catholic Grammar School is of a Pre-Primary to Year 12 educational community set in the growing Peel region of Western Australia, subject to Advanced Determination and Government registration in Western Australia. We are in the process of planning, and are hoping to open our doors in 2026. We aim to support parents in their task of raising their sons and daughters to be faithful, virtuous and generous Catholic disciples and citizens of Australia formed within the English Western intellectual and spiritual tradition.
The primary method of religious instruction is through participation in the Sacred Liturgy involving daily attendance at Mass and the daily Divine Office (Mattins and Evensong). This will be complemented by a short "Theology of the Body" lesson delivered during the daily Pastoral Care class, which will extend the wellness aspect of the Health Curriculum. We will also include a personal monthly mentoring session for each child. Where Catholic children seek to complete the Sacraments of Initiation, we will offer special catechetical classes towards receiving these Sacraments. There will also be the daily recitation of the Angelus at 12:00pm.
Specialising in the classical education, the classical languages of Latin and Ancient Greek will be taught, not just as worthy subjects in themselves, but as a means to unlock the doors to English morphology and etymology. French will be taught as the modern language, the primary language of dance, and another key language in the development of English following the Norman invasion in A.D. 1066. Ancient works of literature will be studied from the earliest years, beginning with narratives such as Aesops Fables.
We believe in the power of beauty to transform the human experience. The Arts are a key part of that process and help develop the aesthetic sense in the young, and their ability to create expressively. Immersion in the classical Performing and Visual Arts, we will give young people the keys to learning and the heritage of Western civilisation. We will form them to be creators of culture, self-confident and able to express themselves in the ever-changing world.
Music will have a vital place at Saint Theo's. Students will have musical instruction, both in singing, chanting and in community hymn singing, as well as through an instrumental music programme, alongside classroom music learning. The Visual Arts and Crafts will help students express themselves through the various media, ultimately aiming to produce works of beauty and skill.
Boys and girls will undertake classical and folk dance, as well as learning partnering and group dance. This will be part of the regular programme throughout their time at school. Participation in dance will mean they will keep themselves fit, develop the ability to express themselves through their bodies, and challenge and discipline their minds, while finding healthy platforms for social interaction. Dance will be integrated in both the Arts and the Physical Education programme.
At Saint Theo's, the physical education programme will include classical sports, such as equestrian, rowing, athletics, wrestling, and gymnastics. Each morning, following the ceremony of raising the Australian National Flag, there will be a 20 minute callisthenics programme across the year ranges.
Saint Theo's will participate in Australian Navy Cadets, Outward Bound and the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme. We will form young people to be capable public speakers, debaters, thinkers, and doers in the world, able to express themselves fully to the world and engage with it.
In addition to the pathways to tertiary study, we will provide access to vocational education with links to local industry and training opportunities in the Mandurah, Murray Shire and the environs of the Peel region of Western Australia. We aim to have our graduates ready to take their place in the work force and go into their post-school lives equipped with the best that a solid, well-rounded education can provide, prepared to tackle the difficulties and challenges that life will give them.
Find out more on our About pages.
The primary method of religious instruction is through participation in the Sacred Liturgy involving daily attendance at Mass and the daily Divine Office (Mattins and Evensong). This will be complemented by a short "Theology of the Body" lesson delivered during the daily Pastoral Care class, which will extend the wellness aspect of the Health Curriculum. We will also include a personal monthly mentoring session for each child. Where Catholic children seek to complete the Sacraments of Initiation, we will offer special catechetical classes towards receiving these Sacraments. There will also be the daily recitation of the Angelus at 12:00pm.
Specialising in the classical education, the classical languages of Latin and Ancient Greek will be taught, not just as worthy subjects in themselves, but as a means to unlock the doors to English morphology and etymology. French will be taught as the modern language, the primary language of dance, and another key language in the development of English following the Norman invasion in A.D. 1066. Ancient works of literature will be studied from the earliest years, beginning with narratives such as Aesops Fables.
We believe in the power of beauty to transform the human experience. The Arts are a key part of that process and help develop the aesthetic sense in the young, and their ability to create expressively. Immersion in the classical Performing and Visual Arts, we will give young people the keys to learning and the heritage of Western civilisation. We will form them to be creators of culture, self-confident and able to express themselves in the ever-changing world.
Music will have a vital place at Saint Theo's. Students will have musical instruction, both in singing, chanting and in community hymn singing, as well as through an instrumental music programme, alongside classroom music learning. The Visual Arts and Crafts will help students express themselves through the various media, ultimately aiming to produce works of beauty and skill.
Boys and girls will undertake classical and folk dance, as well as learning partnering and group dance. This will be part of the regular programme throughout their time at school. Participation in dance will mean they will keep themselves fit, develop the ability to express themselves through their bodies, and challenge and discipline their minds, while finding healthy platforms for social interaction. Dance will be integrated in both the Arts and the Physical Education programme.
At Saint Theo's, the physical education programme will include classical sports, such as equestrian, rowing, athletics, wrestling, and gymnastics. Each morning, following the ceremony of raising the Australian National Flag, there will be a 20 minute callisthenics programme across the year ranges.
Saint Theo's will participate in Australian Navy Cadets, Outward Bound and the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme. We will form young people to be capable public speakers, debaters, thinkers, and doers in the world, able to express themselves fully to the world and engage with it.
In addition to the pathways to tertiary study, we will provide access to vocational education with links to local industry and training opportunities in the Mandurah, Murray Shire and the environs of the Peel region of Western Australia. We aim to have our graduates ready to take their place in the work force and go into their post-school lives equipped with the best that a solid, well-rounded education can provide, prepared to tackle the difficulties and challenges that life will give them.
Find out more on our About pages.
Get involved
Our aim is to develop Catholic disciples and Australian citizens who are able to help shape the culture and the discourse both in Church and State, and to assist parents form their children into well-rounded, community-minded, economically and socially adept individuals, who are able to act functionally and creatively as the mothers and fathers, and the movers and shakers of tomorrow. Click on the button above to go to our Sign Up page to register your interest.
The Association is seeking interested stakeholders, donors, friends and connections who would like to see the establishment of a specialist Classics and Performing Arts Catholic school in Perth, Western Australia. You can help out by donating to the School Building Fund, especially by setting up a regular electronic debit. Click on the button above to go to our donations page.
All donations to the School Building Fund are tax deductible.
All donations to the School Building Fund are tax deductible.
Find out more...
Our Mission is to found a new Pre-Primary to Year 12 Catholic grammar school with an innovative approach to education in the Western Classical tradition. The Association is seeking interested stakeholders, parents, educators, donors, friends and connections who are interested in the establishment of a specialist Classics and Performing Arts Catholic school in Perth, Western Australia. Click on the button above to find out more about the project.
Collect: Saint Theodore of Canterbury
O GOD, whose Bishop Theodore was called to England, to set the Church on a firm foundation: by his prayers, build us always anew on the rock that is Christ; and keep thy household faithful to the call we have received; through Jesus Christ thy Son our Lord; who liveth and reigneth with thee, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, ever one God, world without end. Amen.
O GOD, whose Bishop Theodore was called to England, to set the Church on a firm foundation: by his prayers, build us always anew on the rock that is Christ; and keep thy household faithful to the call we have received; through Jesus Christ thy Son our Lord; who liveth and reigneth with thee, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, ever one God, world without end. Amen.
Saint Theodore of Canterbury Inc. is a registered Incorporated Association with the Western Australian Department of Mines, Industry, Regulation and Safety:
No. A1041944X
Saint Theodore of Canterbury Inc. is registered with the Australian Business Register:
ABN:57 726 573 483
No. A1041944X
Saint Theodore of Canterbury Inc. is registered with the Australian Business Register:
ABN:57 726 573 483